Snapshots in Motion: Discover the beauty and joy of taking transit

Transit is Beautiful Every Step of the Way

Go Glendale is hosting a virtual campaign to highlight the beauty of transit with a transit-friendly destination guide. Participate by April 30 for the chance to win a Kindle Digital Reader, $30-$50 gift cards, a cooler backpack, and a bike kit gift basket.

We prioritize your privacy, so please do not submit selfies.

How to participate:

  1. Take an image on your mobile phone or camera on transit, at a station, or a transit-friendly destination.
  2. Upload it to the form below and answer ta few questions about the photo and why you like transit.
  3. Go Glendale will add your image to an interactive map with locations and images that showcase all the beauty you can see while using transit.

Interested in learning about your public transit options in Glendale? Check out our resources.

Don’t know what you can discover with public transit? Check out these cool places:

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