Go Glendale news updates

Commuters of Glendale July 2021

Meet Chester

Commuters of Glendale is a collection of stories about commuters who carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, scoot or take transit on a typical workday.

Chester enjoys his commute on his bicycle because it helps him stay healthy and keep gas money in his pocket.
  1. Where do you work in Burbank?

Disney (1200 Central Ave)

2. How do you get to work on a typical day?

Road Bike from La Crescenta (16~20 mi / day)

3. What is the best part of your commute?

I start seeing the neighborhoods and discovering things which I’ve been missing while driving a car before.   Love the sweat and taking shower when I returned back home.

4. What/who compelled you to begin commuting this way?

Well, my commute wasn’t effective to drive per the distance and my big minivan.  After considering various options, I decided to give a shot with the bike almost abandoned years in my garage.

5. Do you have any interesting commute stories you’d like to share?

First few months were challenge with the consistent uphill (~800 elevation gain within 8 miles) on the way back home since I never had such an experience.   Honestly, I took more than five breaks and it took about two hours one way back home.   One of my friends challenged to make it an hour and I thought it’s impossible.  After one year of commuting with bike and switching to road bike, I could make it 45 min with 1 or no break!  So proud of this achievement.   Not to mention about weight loss & saving gas.  Too bad I couldn’t do that for a year during pandemic and can’t wait to come back office after this summer.

6. Are there any commuting tips that you’d like to share with people working near you?

I’d definitely recommend a bike commute to everyone.  First and foremost, safety is the most important thing in mind.  Always wait for the traffic on intersection!  Never assume the drivers finding you.  During bike commuting more than a year, I experienced few dangerous moments on the street and got used with safety-first attitude and you can enjoy this wonderful experience!

Thank you for sharing your commute story Chester!

Would you like to share your commute story? We’re collecting stories about commuters who carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, scoot or take transit on a typical workday. At Go Glendale, we love to share these stories. Please reach out to us at [email protected] to be featured in our Commuters of Glendale series.

Commuters of Glendale May 2021

Meet Christopher Johnsen

Commuters of Glendale is a collection of stories about commuters who carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, scoot or take transit on a typical workday.

Caption: Christopher’s commute to work used to be lonely but he now has bicycle lane buddies.

1. Where do you work in Glendale?

1200 Grand Central (Disney Grand Central campus) in Glendale

2. How do you get to work on a typical day?

When in the office (I have been working from home since March, 2020) would be to bike in 2 – 3 times a week and drive in 2 – 3 times a week.

3. What is the best part of your commute?

When biking, it is riding along either the L.A. River or through Griffith Park – and on either route I see beauty, nature, wildlife and enjoy the fresh air/ I consider my bike-to-work commute through Griffith Park to be one of the best commutes in the L.A. Area (I live in Los Feliz).

Since I have been working from home, I often go for a bike ride at the end of the day which is the exact same route I would normally take to commute to the office – that is how good the commute ride is!

4. What/who compelled you to begin commuting this way?

Great way to stay healthy and to beat the rush hour traffic.

5. Do you have any interesting commute stories you’d like to share?

I remember riding along the L.A. River bike path when I first moved to L.A. in late 2010.  One day in December, 2010 I rode to work and was the only person on the bike trail for the entire ride (it was kind of cold that day, but since I moved from Seattle the cold did not bother me).  My how times have changed since the pandemic, and there is much, much more traffic on the bike path these days!

Thank you for sharing your commute story Christopher!

Would you like to share your commute story? We’re collecting stories about commuters who carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, scoot or take transit on a typical workday. At Go Glendale, we love to share these stories. Please reach out to us at [email protected] to be featured in our Commuters of Glendale series.

Celebrate Bike Month!

May is Bike Month and Go Glendale wants to invite you to join us in walking, biking, or rolling all month long!

Tag us on Twitter or Facebook with a photo or video of you walking, biking, and rolling at your favorite local spot using #GoGlendaleBikeMonth

This month we’re inviting you take part in our challenge to walk, bike, or roll while at home for a chance to win a prize, one of eight $50 gift cards.

To earn a chance to win simply send us a photo of you walking, biking, or rolling on Twitter or Facebook. Be sure to tag us on the post to get your entry. At the end of the month, we’ll randomly select winners and reach out!


  1. Must provide a photo or video of sustainable travel in action during May 2021
  2. Must tag or post the Go Glendale Facebook or Twitter using #GoGlendaleBikeMonth
  3. Must be a Glendale area resident or commuter

Winners will be picked at the end of the month and contacted via Facebook or Twitter. If you have any questions or concerns contact us! [email protected]

Go Glendale Earth Day

Hey Glendale, Earth Day is Thursday, April 22nd! Did you know that 60% to 70% of Downtown Glendale commuters drive alone to work? Commit to helping the planet and reducing GHGs by driving less and using and supporting sustainable forms of travel like walking, biking, and transit.

Follow our Twitter all week long for more transit and Earth Day trivia!

Metrolink’s Earth Day Sustainability Challenge

Join Metrolink starting April 19th for a week-long Earth Day Sustainability Challenge! All registered participants will be entered to win a Metrolink monthly pass or one of twenty 7-day passes. Join the challenge starting April 15th at metrolinktrains.com/earthday.

Monday, April 19  – Go Plant-Based for the Planet

Tuesday, April 20  – Recycling & Composting

Wednesday, April 21 – Save Energy

Thursday, April 22 – Calculate Your Impact for Earth Day

Friday, April 23 – Water Savings and Drought Tolerant Plants

Weekend, April 24-25 – Community Clean Up

Watch this video to learn more about Metrolink’s commitment to protecting the environment in Southern California, embracing social responsibility, creating economic vitality and enhancing the quality of life for communities.

Spring 2021 Virtual TDM Events for Go Glendale ETCs

HAPPY SPRING! Calling all Go Glendale Employee Transportation Coordinators!
April is Earth Month and May is Bike Month, and it’s the ideal time to reboot your commuter programs. Join us at these events to jumpstart your planning and networking this spring.

Thursday, April 22, 2021, 4-5pm
SoCal Association of Commuter Transportation (ACT) Earth Day Happy Hour – members and non-members welcome; Click here for more info and email [email protected] to RSVP.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 1-2pm
A cross-TMO collaborative Return to Work webinar and panel to support employers and ETCs throughout LA County as workers begin commuting again, to be led by GoSaMo TMO (Santa Monica TMO) and Warner Connects (Warner Center TMO). Click here to register.

Thursday, April 29, 2021, 9-11:30am
Save-the-date for this virtual Joint Metro-OCTA-VCTC Spring Marketing Workshop. You must RSVP online and in advance to attend this Workshop. ETC Marketing certificates will be distributed following the workshop. Please RSVP no later than April 26th here. A confirmation with the links will be sent to you prior to the workshop.

Thursday, May 13, 2021, 1-2pm
SoCal Auto Club is planning a virtual Bike Safety Workshop for all LA County commuters. Stay tuned for more details soon. To register go to aaa-bikesafetyLA.eventbrite.com or email [email protected] for info.

For more information about these events, please reach out at [email protected] or (213) 425-0966. Thank you!

Beeline Service Changes Are Here

The Glendale Beeline made changes to its routes and schedules on November 15th.

Major changes include

  • 10-minute frequency on Routes 1 and 4
  • New service on Route 8
  • Updated schedules on other lines
  • Schedules updated to meet Metrolink trains

You can find updated information at GlendaleBeeline.com

Calling on the Commuters of Glendale

Watch the recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sqpLHA5QLU4UrpfrOPDbWU9HAPSeOBqe/view?usp=sharing

Join us for an informative update for the Commuters of Glendale.

Representatives from the Glendale Beeline, LA Metro, and Commute with Enterprise will be on hand to talk about safe commuting during COVID. Metro staff will also discuss some of their upcoming projects in the Glendale area. Attendees will also be entered in a raffle for one of six $50 Amazon gift cards.

Guest Speakers:
Pamela Tang, Glendale Beeline
Danielle Valentino and Tito Corona, LA Metro
Joe Grelock, Commute with Enterprise

Bring your lunch and let’s chat!

When: Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 12noon-1pm

Where: (we’ll send you the link!)
How: RSVP here by Monday, 10/5
Who: All Glendale commuters and residents
For questions and to RSVP directly, email Jayro Queme at [email protected] or call 213-425-0966.

Six, $50 Amazon gift cards will be raffled off to Go Glendale member participants who RSVP by 10/5. Find out if you’re the winner at the end of the call!

Bike to Wherever Days!

Go Glendale invites you celebrate Bike Month all of September. Traditionally held in May, Bike Month activities were put on hold due to the pandemic. While we can’t gather together, we can still celebrate safely and physically distanced.

With a move from many employers to remote work and the need to maintain physical distancing our traditional Bike to Work Day activities aren’t possible. So, we encourage you to join us in celebrating Bike to Wherever Days!  Get on a bike and celebrate on your own or with your family. The official Bike to Wherever Day will be taking place on September 22nd to coincide with World Car Free Day.

All month long, tag us on Facebook @GoGlendale or Twitter @GoGlendaleTMA with photo or video of yourself enjoying Bike Month, by traveling in any sustainable way, with the hashtag #GoGlendaleBTWD for a chance to win one of 6 $50 Amazon gift cards. Ride a bike, walk, take public transit, or carpool to work or wherever for a chance to win.

Need inspiration for your Bike Month celebrating?

Try out a family friendly route from LACBC or join a Metro BEST class or self-guided tour. Click here for more Bike Month tips from LA Metro. Be sure to take a picture and tag us!

Limited to Glendale residents, visitors, and commuters.

Rekindle Your love for Your bike Workshop on Zoom

Dear Go Glendale Member Contacts,

We invite you to join us for the ‘Go Glendale Rekindle Your Love for Your Bike Workshop’ on Zoom.

Thursday, August 27, 2020
12 noon- 1 pm

Bicycling 101: A Need-to-Know Class taught by Nathalie Winiarski, League of American Bicyclists, League Cycling Instructor.

Improve your bicycling safety knowledge. A quick overview of bike basics, rules of the road and things to know to bike confidently – a one hour, off-bike class.

All participants will receive a Smart Cycling Guide and Go Glendale will provide the first 30 who RSVP by 8/24 with a $10 coffee gift card. 

Where: Via Zoom, RSVP for the link!
How: RSVP HERE or to Jayro Queme at [email protected] by Monday, 8/24.
Who: Go Glendale member employees, residents, and students.

For questions, contact Jayro at the email above or call 213-425-0966

Click here to download the flyer.