Go Glendale 2023 Average Vehicle Ridership Survey Results

In 2023, a significant number of individuals resumed in-person work routines more consistently. With the decrease in telework, this year’s Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) survey reveals  a promising uptick in sustainable commuting modes and transit as opposed to a mass transition back to single-occupancy vehicles. Throughout October, Go Glendale collaborated with the City of Glendale to conduct an AVR survey across our ten member properties in Downtown Glendale. For one week, we asked you about your commute routines, your thoughts on public transportation, and ideas on what changes could make sustainable commutes to and from Glendale even easier. Go Glendale then analyzed and summarized these results, bringing you the final results in this post.

Explore how commuting in Glendale has evolved, comparing the data with the findings from 2022!

As a note, the Average Vehicle Ridership is a ratio of the number of employee/resident trips over the number of vehicle trips. The higher the ratio, the fewer vehicle trips are being taken in comparison to all trips.







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