Commuters of Glendale August 2022

Meet Chloe

Commuters of Glendale is a collection of stories about commuters who carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, scoot or take transit on a typical workday.

  1. Where do you work in Glendale?
    The City of Glendale
  2. How often are you commuting, if on a hybrid schedule?
  3. What does your typical commute look like?
    I walk or ride my bike
  4. What is the best part of your commute?
    Getting some activity in the morning, feeling I’m in touch with my neighborhood, getting to go home at lunch do pet my dog!
  5. What/Who encouraged you to begin commuting this way?
    Reading about healthy cities and street safety. I made it a priority to live/work as car free as possible.
  6. Do you have any interesting commute stories you’d like to share?
    I tend to notice a lot more cool architectural gems, film shoots, and little hole in the wall places more than when I drove
  7. Are there any commuting tips that’d you like to share?
    Invest your unused gas money in some cute AND comfortable shoes!! Be super careful and overly cautious of cars

Thank you for sharing your commute story Chloe!

Would you like to share your commute story? We’re collecting stories about commuters who carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, scoot or take transit on a typical workday. At Go Glendale, we love to share these stories. Please reach out to us at to be featured in our Commuters of Glendale series.

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