The Citywide Pedestrian Plan is an initiative to make Glendale a safe, pleasant, and convenient place to walk or roll—whether for work, school, shopping, or just for fun.
The Pedestrian Plan has two parts – Taking Steps is the second of two parts of the Glendale Pedestrian Plan. The first part— Taking Stock—explored existing conditions facing pedestrians in Glendale, analyzed walking data and trends, and outlined best practices from other cities. Taking Steps builds on that work to provide a blueprint for making it easier and safer to walk in Glendale over the coming years. The plan identifies the projects, programs, and policy changes needed to make Glendale an even better and safer place to walk.
In addition to key pedestrian improvement projects, the Pedestrian Plan emphases on improving the City of Glendale’s existing range of pedestrian focused projects and policies such as Safe Routes to School, Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program, Complete Streets, Safe and Healthy Streets Plan and Be Street Smart Glendale. The greater vision of the project is to make Glendale a great place to walk, which will be safe, healthier, more sustainable and economically vibrant. It is funded through a $500,000 Caltrans Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant.
The 4-key goals of the Citywide Pedestrian Plan are:
The goals for the plan are very much action driven and highlights that Glendale can now prevent traffic fatalities and create better walkable and well-connected communities. Go Glendale would be working with the Glendale community to implement educational and outreach campaigns, which explains how to use the new types of infrastructures, helping both people driving and people walking to understand traffic control changes.
To make the Citywide Pedestrian Plan a truly robust program targeted towards improving streets and pedestrian infrastructure in Glendale, the City of Glendale needs your feedback. Please review the plan and share your thoughts by taking this short 2mins SURVEY. Your response will be greatly appreciated.