May 7: Bike Training & Ride for Downtown Glendale Residents!

RSVP to [email protected] by Weds, May 5th!

Sponsored by Go Verdugo

Join us for a brief seminar on bike safety, followed by a ride to several nearby destinations (to see which routes to use and where to park your bike), and free pizza back at Modera Glendale afterwards!

Meet Your Neighbors Ride (May 7 2016)

*Participants without a bike and helmet are still welcome to attend the Safety Training from 10-11am.
…And meet us for pizza after the ride, around Noon!

Bike parking is located in the bike room in Modera’s parking garage.

Questions? Contact Erika Kampe ([email protected] or 818-543-7641).

Transportation & Health Survey

Go Glendale, in collaboration with Southern California Associations of Governments (SCAG) and Glendale Adventist Medical Center (GAMC), is pleased to provide you with a survey that examines the impact of transportation modalities and its effect on our community’s health. A better understanding of our patients’ and community members’ use of public and private transportation can play an important role in providing rural residents access to health care.

The purpose of the survey is to:
• Identify community members’ use of public and/or private transportation
• Assess community members’ use of primary care services and Emergency room/urgent clinics
• Assess the use of such services as Uber and Lyft for medical trips
• Assess how much our community members rely on others for transportation, specifically for health related purposes

This 3-5 minute survey is confidential and you are not required to provide your name or any identifying information. The deadline for the survey responses is Monday, May 23rd, 2016. Thank you for your participation in addressing our community’s needs.

Please see the links below and select your preferred language. Together we can better support our patients’ and community’s needs. We encourage you to complete this survey and forward this email to your peers and colleagues in the following areas: Glendale, Highland Park, Glassell Park and Eagle Rock.

Thank you and your input is very much appreciated and valued!
