Go Glendale news updates

NoHo to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Project: Upcoming Community Workshops

LA Metro is hosting a series of Bus Rapid Transit workshops to share the community’s vision for a BRT. Reserve your spot here!

Join the Glendale Community Workshop on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019 from 6-8 pm at Glendale Central Library, 222 E Harvard St., Glendale, CA 91205.

Learn more here.

Public and stakeholder engagement will continue throughout the environmental review process to solicit valuable feedback to further inform and define the project.

-LA Metro

Commuters of Glendale series

Glendale commuters come in all kinds. People bike, walk, bus, scoot, carpool, vanpool and drive. This series is intended to share the stories of commuters who demonstrate it’s possible to get to work without driving alone!

This month we are featuring Anneliese Hanson who takes the bus to Downtown Glendale every single workday! She works with Cigna located at 400 N. Brand Blvd in Downtown Glendale. Here is what she has to say about her commute.

What is the best part about your commute?

I love putting on my headphones, relaxing and letting someone else do the driving!

What/Who compelled you to begin commuting this way?

I am from Chicago, where using transit is the norm. I find that driving to work is stressful and doesn’t let me start my day on the ‘right foot’. I like knowing that I am helping lessen road congestion and helping the environment, while saving a TON of money on gas and car maintenance. I have only filled up once this month!

Do you have any interesting commute stories you’d like to share?

The buses here are so much cleaner and newer than other cities! And the drivers & passengers are well-behaved too.

Are there any commuting tips that you’d like to share with people working near you?

Try using the Los AngelBus app to find/ plan your bus routes!

Have a great commute you’d like to post? We’re collecting stories about commuters who carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, scoot or take transit on the typical workday. At Go Glendale, we love to share these stories. Please reach out to us at [email protected] to be featured in our Commuters of Glendale series.

Hey, Join the group! Get $2 rides to/from work!

Check out this new promotion for sharing the ride. Waze Carpool is offering $2 rides for Glendale Commuters from August 12th to October 31st if you join the Glendale Carpoolers Group

Waze Carpool is an app from Waze that matches riders with drivers who are traveling along the same routes. It’s a quick and affordable option for getting to and from Glendale. Download the Waze carpool app available in the Google Play or App Store. You can also share the link: http://bit.ly/GlendaleCarpoolers.

As always, please feel free to reach out to Go Glendale with any questions at (818) 543-7641 or [email protected].

Glendale Beeline Wants to Hear From You!

The City is inviting community input on recommended services changes to the Glendale Beeline. Members of the public are welcome to participate in any or all of the meetings at Glendale City Hall (613 E. Broadway). Visit www.GlendaleBeeline.com for details.

The Beeline is reimagining the bus network to create more customer-focused routes, faster and more reliable travel times, and less waiting at bus stops.

A survey was conducted earlier this year, and the results of this survey have now been synthesized in the Transit Route Analysis – a comprehensive vision of how Beeline can adapt to growth in Downtown urban density and extended commute times to both school and employment.

Watch the July 22nd Transportation and Parking Commission meeting here to see the project team present the finding and results from the analysis. Click here for the presentation and click here for more information.

Based on the finding and initial public input, the team presented the draft recommendations for near-term and mid-term services changes to the Transportation and Parking Commission on September 23rd, 2019 at 6 pm at Glendale City Hall for a public hearing on a proposed implementation plan that prioritizes the service changes within the available funding resources. Click here to know more.

Glendale City Council is then tentatively scheduled to consider the recommended Beeline service changes in November.

Please provide your input on the proposed changes!

Download proposed changes here.

They are making transit more convenient with:

  • Faster Service;
  • Expanded evening hours;
  • And increased frequency

Comments may be submitted:

  • By email to [email protected]
  • By phone at 818-548-3960 Mon-Thu 7:30am-5:30pm, Fri 8am-5pm
  • In writing to Beeline, 633 E. Broadway, Room 305, Glendale, CA 91206

Go Glendale Commute Series

Glendale commuters come in all kinds. People bike, walk, bus, scoot, carpool, vanpool and drive. This series is intended to share the stories of commuters who demonstrate it’s possible to get to work without driving alone!

This month we’re featuring Jeslette Verzosa, an amazing bicycle commuter from Adventist Health Glendale! Jeslette Versoza and her husband are passionate bikers who bike to work twice a week. She shares her commute story from Pacoima to Glendale- a 13-mile bike ride!

How do you get to work on a typical day?

I work varied start hours. Whenever I start my shift at 5:30 am or anytime before 7:00 am, I drive from Pacoima to Glendale. On most Wednesdays & Thursdays when my husband bikes to work, I ride my bike with him. We part ways at Glenoaks and Olive St. and I continue my freedom ride to Glendale via Glenoaks [Blvd].

What is the best part of your commute?

I love riding my bicycle as it gives me freedom from traffic, gives me Vitamin D along the way. I enjoy the exercise before my work starts. It gives me adrenaline. Now, coffee is optional. ?

What/Who compelled you to begin commuting this way?

I have witnessed my husband [biking] to work before. I have co-workers riding bikes from Santa Clarita to Glendale & I see them when I drive the streets of Glenoaks. I love the bike paths and bike friendly signs. My workplace encourages healthy lifestyle. I love the 3 feet law between cyclists & cars.

Are there any interesting commute stories you’d like to share?

I showed up to work the first time last year with my bike helmet and [sweaty] cycling clothes. They were all surprised. I told them, “It’s been 13 miles”. They said, “Round trip? Not bad”. I answered, “No, one way only. 30 miles at the end of the day.”  They answered, “What?!”

Well, we were surprised, too!

Are there any commuting tips you’d like to share with people working near you?

Streets are safe in Los Angeles. We have to use safety measures too like [bike] lights, helmet, [and] visible clothing. Join clubs or read about road signs & courtesy. Biking is cheaper than gas.

Keep up with Jeslette on Facebook!

Have a great commute you’d like to post? We’re collecting stories about commuters who carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, scoot or take transit on the typical workday. At Go Glendale, we love to share these stories. Please reach out to us at [email protected] to be featured in our Commuters of Glendale series.

Bike and Walk to work day 2019

We would like to thank everyone who stopped by our pit-stop and making Bike & Walk to Work Day a success! We braved the rain and made it to work. we hope you enjoyed being there! Happy Bike Month! 
To learn more about such Bike Month events visit https://www.metro.net/riding/bike-month/

Bike & Walk to Work Day is around the corner! Go Glendale will be hosting a pitstop in the courtyard of 400 N Brand on Thursday, May 16, 2019 from 7 am to 10 am. Join us for giveaways, snacks, and refreshments! We will be there rain or shine to support you!

More than 80% of bike commuters say they feel healthier and less stressed. Probably because they’re getting exercise, saving money, and doing something good for the environment. Be one of those people!

Earth Day 2019

Earth Day is just around the corner, and there is much you can do to help our planet to breath better. Join the movement of April 22, 2019, and try to reduce your carbon footprint. There are many things you can try on Earth Day and you can carry them into your routine if you like them.

Transportation is the fastest-growing contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in California. In 2016, it was responsible for 41% of the emission, almost double the runner-up – industrial sector with 23%. Driving an average gasoline car from Downtown Los Angeles to Downtown Glendale (~11 miles) releases roughly 8lb of CO2 equivalent to the atmosphere per trip. It might not seem much, but if you ever faced the traffic between those two cities, you can imagine the number of cars emitting these 8lb every trip. If you are curious how much your commute contributes to the pollution check out this website and you can see your estimated emissions and the approximate cost of your commute to the environment.

If you are convinced to change or at least give the Earth a break on April 22, we can help you! You can walk, bike, take transit, or carpool and help the planet (and your pocket). Apps such as Waze Carpool will match you with commuters near you going to a similar destination, and you only share the price of gas. Google maps, Citymapper, or Transit app will help you determine the best transit route from your origin to destination AND give you real-time info on your bus arrival. Check out our mobility app page for more information on apps that can help your commute.

Did you know we only need 2 car-free trips per week per person to achieve the California air quality goals? Yes, only 2! In your weekly routine, can you find one day that you do not have to take extra trips, or you do not need your personal car? If your answer is yes, you can help save the planet! Check out Go Glendale’s post to help you brainstorm ideas of how to be car-free for a day.

And if you need personal assistance on trip planning, Go Glendale and 400 & 450 N Brand are hosting a joint event on Monday, April 22, 2019 from 11am to 2pm to talk about your commute options around Glendale. Join us on the courtyard of the 400 & 450 N Brand Blvd for tips to make you commute more sustainable and participate in our trivia. We will also have a sustainable products market!

 For more information, contact us at [email protected], and we will be happy to help.

Glendale is Reimagining Public Transit

Visit GlendaleTRA.com for a chance to win $100. Glendale is reimagining the bus network to create customer-focused routes, faster and more reliable travel times, and less waiting at bus stops.  We invite you to tell them how they should reimagine our bus network in Glendale.

An improved bus system will benefit you: save time and money on parking, gas, and car maintenance; help green our world by reducing emissions and congestion; use your time on the bus to read or catch up on sleep.

Take the survey at GlendaleTRA.comYou could be a lucky winner of $100. Then spread the word – tell friends, family, and colleagues to take the survey, too. 

Start the year with a change!

Can you believe it is December already? As the new year approaches, people start to think about what they liked about their year and what they can do differently next year. Probably being stressed in traffic is not on the top of any of your wish lists, but it is the reality of most commuters in Southern California. We are here to help!

Commuting to work is probably one of the first things you do in the morning and the last thing you do before going home to your family. But having a stressful commute can impact your productivity at work, your health, your social relations, and your family interactions. So why do we keep stressful commute habits or take them as the only options we have?

We put together a list of routine changes you can do to improve your day without a lot of changes in your schedule. Check it out!


1.Shake it up! You don’t have to commute the same way every day of the week.

Maybe Monday and Wednesday you have meetings in the morning and you don’t feel like waking up early, so you decide to carpool to work. That is awesome! But Tuesdays and Thursdays you decided to work on your health and bike to work instead. Now Friday is here and you are thinking about enjoying a happy hour with friends, so you take transit to work and an Uber/Lyft back home. Isn’t it perfect?


2. Mix and Match! You don’t have to take the same mode of transportation for your entire trip.

Do you have to drop your kids at daycare a few blocks from your house before going to work? Why don’t you also leave your car there and take transit to work? You can drive a few minutes, and then ride the train/bus to your destination without worrying about the traffic.

Or maybe you prefer not to have transfers on your commute, so you can choose the park-and-ride style. You drive to the nearest direct transit line, park, and take the bus/train to work.

This can also be a great solution if you live too far from work but really wanted to use your commute as your workout. You can ride transit for part of your commute and, when you are comfortable with the distance, you ride your bike or walk to work. That can also help with less transit transfers. And trains and buses have a place for your bike.


3. Spend time on yourself! Download/Stream that movie you always want to watch or take your favorite book with you.

We know that the average American routine doesn’t leave much time for reading or watching a good movie, so why not multi-task in the best way? If your transit commute takes longer than your driving commute, it doesn’t mean you are wasting your time, it might mean you are using your time wisely. For example, if you have a 30 minutes driving routine, that means you are exclusively driving for that 30 minutes. You shouldn’t be paying attention to anything else other than the road.

Now imagine you can substitute it for a 45 minutes bus/train ride. You don’t have to drive or pay attention to the road, so you can take that time to yourself; read a book, watch a movie, read the news, or check social media. Arriving home early because of the driving commute gives you 15 minutes more to do something you want, while taking transit can give you 45 minutes.


4. Get your workout done! Some commute habits can help you to get healthier while you commute to work.

It is very common that people don’t have time to exercise during the week. But if your commute can help you become more physical active without sparing much time of the day, why not enjoy it? Try walking or biking to work and, if biking and walking all the way to work is not possible for you, you can use tip 2 and mix and match your commute. Did you know that transit users, in average, walk more than drivers and walking is associated with improved health benefits?


5. Save money!

Another good reason to change your habits is saving a few bucks per month. Driving alone can be one of the most expensive commute modes in some regions of Southern California, but it is not your only option. When carpooling you can split the cost of gas among your carpooling partners, when walking or biking you can have an (almost) cost-free commute, and when taking transit you can buy monthly passes that will increase your savings.


6. Get social! Sharing your commute can improve your social interactions.

If you decided that commuting by car is the best option for you, you don’t have to do it alone. You can carpool with co-workers or neighbors and share the ride. Commuting partners help you reduce your stress level and open more possibility for social interactions. You can also alternate who is driving each day of the week and relax in the passenger seat some days. If you are interested in carpooling check the Waze Carpool and RideMatch.info or talk to your company’s HR to see if they have a carpooling list.


Now that you have more options for your commute, it is time to start your “2019 goals” list. And if you need personal assistance in finding your best commute option/route, join our commuter club.

Do you have more tips to share? Send us an e-mail ([email protected]) or comment below so we can spread the word.



A Holiday Ride

It is Holiday time! Time to put on the red sweater, drink hot chocolate and ride a train to visit the North Pole. And you can do all of that without leaving California! We found seven Holiday themed trains for you and your family to enjoy during this season.


If a normal train ride can be a magical time for kids, imagine riding with Santa? 


Irvine Park Railroad Christmas Train

November 30 – December 23, 2018

Opened 7 days a week.

$15 per person (0-2 years old ride free)

Location: Irvine Regional Park. Irvine, CA.

More information and ticket purchase here.



Holiday Trains

Select dates from November 24 – December 23, 2018 (+ New Year’s eve train)

4 train options from 1 to 4 hours ride.

Values vary depending on the train option.

Reservation required!

Location: Fillmore & Western Railway. Fillmore, CA.

More information and ticket purchase here.



Train to Santa’s Workshop

Select dates from November 30 – December 16, 2018

Check the dates here.

$15 for ages 2–11 / $20 for ages 12 and up.

Location: Orange Empire Railway Museum. Perris, CA.

More information and ticket purchase here.



Southern California Live Steamers Starlight Train Ride

Saturday, December 15, 2018. 5pm – 8pm.

Mini train ride.

$7 per person (Cash only)

Location: 2290 Washington Avenue. Torrance, CA.

More information here.



Holiday Light Festival Train Ride

November 23 – December 30, 2018 (Closed December 24-25)

Rides from 5pm to 8pm (mon-thu) or 9pm (fri-sun)

$5 per person

Tickets can be purchased  in advance or the day of the ride on the ticket booth. No online sale.

Location: 4400 Crystal Springs Drive. Los Angeles, CA.

More information here.



Have fun and happy holidays!